Lemon Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Noodles

Happy Friday! My meal prep routine was becoming quite boring and wanted to spice things up by trying some new recipes. One way to do this is changing the way we prep our foods already on our grocery list and in our pantry. Veggies are always a great start and who doesn’t love pasta! Okay…

Fitness Goals 2018

Happy Friday! Today is the last Friday of 2017 and I continue to be in amazement at how quickly this year flew by with ups and downs, fortunately ending the year on a high note. Evidently to many of us who try to workout all year long, I’m bracing myself for a few months where…

Fitbit Review

Happy Friday and first day of December! As the holiday festivities truly kick off, so do temptations for sweet treats and lots of food. I know I’ve repeated myself a lot saying holiday festivities as beginning however for many people December 1st really marks the date. Tonight I have a company Charity Gala and I…

Costco Snacks Haul

Happy Friday and Black Friday for my friends who love to shop! Earlier this week I went to Costco near work in a different city than where I live. Either I’ve adapted to my local offerings or have always looked out for them but sadly the Costco near work didn’t have a lot of the…

I’ve Stopped Eating

Happy Friday everyone! Earlier this week I was in the washroom at work when I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in a full length mirror. To my astonishment I realized how baggy my pants were. These we’re the same pant I wore to an interview a few months back and the fit snugly….

Where do you eat?

Studies have shown where you sit to eat can determine how much food you’ll consume. When sitting at a table with other people, we tend to eat less than when you sit in front of a tv with food. As a self proclaimed nerd I’ve tested this out the last few weeks in preparation for…

10,000 Step Challenge

Happy Friday! Hope you are all having a fabulous week and ready for the weekend. The other night on Instagram I posted about a step challenge at work we are having. To encourage a healthy lifestyle we are doing a walking initiative for one month. The start date was our Thanksgiving Day long weekend and…

Tupperware Lunch Recap

Happy Friday! We have made it to the end of another work week and man am I ready for a long weekend. In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving and I’m visiting family in the country. Usually someone in my family does the drive but this is the first time I’ll be doing it. We’ll see how…

Girls Night – Potluck Style

Happy Friday Beauties! I’m one of those people who are very excited for weekends and seeing friends! Usually I have a social gathering or two planned but the last two weekend were spontaneous. Needless to stay it was either quiet or too eventful. Sometimes you have to switch it up those as it keeps you…

Crack Slaw

Happy Friday! This week started out slow then picked up as I started a new job. Adjusting back to work was a slight challenge but I am really enjoying it thus far. When I was visiting my Aunt, who loves to cook, she introduced me to a new recipe “Crack Slaw”.  Even based on the…

Foam Roller Exercises

Growing up dancing, your muscles are sore majority of the time thanks to intense training. Once I began working out more I discussed the benefits of foam rolling to aid in muscle recovery, injury prevention, and increases blood flow. Personal preference is to foam roll after I workout for any muscles which are tight and…

Hiking Outfit

Summer is coming to an end, however there are still plenty of opportunities to explore outdoors and go hiking. A key to hiking is wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes for your adventures. Fall can be a nicer time to hike as its cooler out and won’t be as hot for your body. One of…